Red Cross

Youth Red Cross Society

      The Red Cross is a voluntary international organization established in 1863 by Henry Dunant to provide aid to the wounded and victims on the battlefield. The basic principles of the Red Cross are as follows:








After this, the objectives of the organization were made more comprehensive in which it was resolved to provide assistance to all the sick and victims in time of war or in peace time. The main peacetime works of Red Cross are as follows -

A. Improvement of body and health.

B. Prohibition of diseases.

C. Assistance to victims.

The Youth Red Cross organization, similar to the parent organization, was established as a result of the war. When the First World War started in 1913, the students of a school in Quebec, a region of Canada, supported the work of Red Cross by making bandages and dressings and other facilities for the soldiers. The idea quickly took on a wider form. Around 1915, young men in Canada and the United States began to save money from their personal expenses. By collecting that money, he paid for the soldiers who fought.

Dressings and other facilities were purchased. In 1919, when a federation of various Red Cross organizations was established, the Youth Red Cross Bureau was established to implement the Youth Red Cross in different countries.

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